View Full Version : I'm Back!!!

01-12-2025, 06:58
I was minding my own business cruiseing down the information highway on my HP computer... Outlook 10. While out and about the computer did an update ... Outlook 11. Oh my, makes me want to cry! From that day forward I have not been able to visit my beloved CSP2! Horrors!

This morning, a little forlorn, I looked at my Mac and decided to see what it would do. It is so old that no updates are available. Last time I went to the Apple Store, they updated it and told me it would eventually have to be replaced. I was not expecting much. But, it was worth a try.

Just a few minutes ago, that little 10 year old Mac zipped me right to Jouster2Shooting Forums! I call it CSP2. I am about to start on my second mug of Death Wish coffee. My wife is making breakfast. In a few minutes I'll head out to have a little amber light checked on the dash of my wife's car. No telling how good the day will get! Sincerely. bruce.

01-12-2025, 09:33
Welcome back. I feel a lot of people are having this problem.

Even with Win 11 I have to use Firefox or Google Chrome to log it to CSP2.

01-13-2025, 11:55
Welcome back, Bruce; I was afraid your previous Employer recalled you and we didn't know.

01-21-2025, 06:30
Bruce, what is the story with the amber light?

01-22-2025, 06:43
Re: Amber light. Strange. Hazel said it was on. When I got in the car and cranked it, the light did not come on. Drove to Auto Zone to have them scan for codes. They said I would need to come back if/when the light came back on. Serviceman suggested I look at the gas cap as it might not have been fully or properly replaced after filling up the gas tank. It seemed fine. Have had no recurrences of the amber check engine light. All is shut down today due to 16 degree weather. Plan to sit tight till condition improve. Then will drive to the dealership and have them take a look. Car is a Nissan Sentra is a 2017 model. Wiring harness failed back in 2020. Replaced under warranty. No further problems. Hope its not the harness. That thing would have cost a fortune if not under warranty. Sincerely. bruce.

01-22-2025, 07:24
The amber "check engine" light is generally a warning that something is occurring with the emission system or electrical system. It is normally nothing to be urgently concerned about but does need to be investigated. The scanners used by Auto Zone and O'Reilly Auto Parts are usually not hi-tech enough to pin point anything but will give a generalized code of where or what the problem is.

Some car manf are way too sensitive and more sensitive than others. I've known of many people who had GM products that just put a piece of black electricians tape over the light. No, not the correct fix but as one problem was remedied another would just take it's place. My daughters Camaro was an example. The light was for the catalytic converter. There was no problem with plugging, power loss or mpg issues so we just let it ride and w/o any problems.

A sensor could be going out or it could just be a slight case of corrosion where a wire plugs into a connection. Sometimes easy to find and fix. Sometimes not.

Dealerships charge way more of course but usually have better scanners so they may actually save you some time and headaches in the long run.

As for now, yeah, with no light there is no code for the scanners to read. You can't fix something that isn't broken. If the condition gets worse the light will return and rat out what is going on.

Former Cav
01-22-2025, 03:17
I'm still running windows 7 pro. No problems.

01-22-2025, 07:59
I'm still running windows 7 pro. No problems.


There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for it. I had Win 7 home. The site stopped working so I swapped to other browsers such as AVG, Google, G Chrome, Internet Explorer. None of them worked or worked for very long for this site. I bought a Win 11 Home computer with the Edge browser. It worked well for about a year then stopped with no notice so I had to swap to something else.

01-25-2025, 04:20
I'm still running windows 7 pro. No problems.

my old laptop was running Windows 7 and had no issues here, but it died this past fall, and my newer machines do not like this site, (Chrome thru Windows)

however a quite download of Mozilla and all it good,

ditto Apple, friend gifted me a few years old Ipad and no issues on Safari