View Full Version : Comments made in 1957

01-24-2025, 07:36
Some of these are to be expected due to normal inflation caused by government spending/waste/taxes.

Some are due to technology (who knew what was ahead of us?).

Some make sense like both parents having to work to raise a family. Day care expense. Having other people raise your children.

Supply and demand, shortages, overpopulation, etc...

As far as the last comment: at least you knew what a day in the hospital would cost. Now, a doctor, hospital or lawyer can charge anything they wish w/o you having a say or knowledge beforehand.

JB White
01-24-2025, 09:30
Jeez, someday milk will be a dollar a gallon!
Oh hush. That will never happen in our lifetimes.
^^^My mother and grandmother after counting the change I returned.

Mom: get two pounds of ground beef. That’s a 10 so count the change.
Apologize to the butcher because all we have is a 10.
So remember it’s a 10 and count the change.

Me: I’m back. Here ya go.
Ten pounds of ground beef.

Had to borrow freezer space in another Fridgidare with space that barely fit a gallon of ice cream.

01-24-2025, 10:43
Ten pounds of ground beef.

Had to borrow freezer space in another Fridgidare with space that barely fit a gallon of ice cream.

I did something similar. My Mother gave me a shopping list once that stated 2 1/2 gallons milk. OK, I wondered why she wanted so much milk. It comes in 1/2 gal. containers. She wanted 2. My mind at the time read 2 1/2 gals @ 1/2gal per cont = 5 containers.

Luckily the store let us return 3 of them since they were still cold and un-opened.

And yeah, I hated those old fridz from the 50's with the tiny freezer. The ice trays took up a good bit of the space so ice cream was a luxury because you rarely had room for a carton. They were made to last back then. People didn't get rid of things till they broke so they were around a long time.

Frozen juices, frozen foods including TV dinners were coming of age in the late 50's--early 60's. I remember our first modernized ridz/freezer that would hold a lot. It was made by or labeled "Rich Plan". They had a program where you bought the "big" fridz from them and agreed to purchase frozen food from them. I don't remember if they delivered the food or if we traveled to Mobile to pick it up. Surprisingly they are still in business--just not around here any longer.

Phloating Phlasher
01-24-2025, 01:38
I have this debate ongoing with my "Primary Provider."
My wife left the practice because of it.
When i visit I'm told there is no co-pay due & may a/c stands at "0".
Months later I get a phone demand for amounts varying from $30, to $550.
No itemized bill is presented ever.
I have told them repeatedly that once I get an itemized service bill if its legit I'll gladly pay it in full & immediately.
I still don't get one.
Then they blame it on the ins not calculating what is due & causing "an unfortunately long delay in billing".
Then we go to:
"OK, you have it billable now, where is my itemized receipt stating a date & itemizing the costs."
Still no bill.
When there, they hock me to pay the "outstanding bill."

01-24-2025, 01:55

A few years back an ambulance was called to take my wife 2 blocks to the hospital ER.

We received a bill from the amb company for nearly $800. My wife called them and told them it was only 2 blocks > took them an hour to go that distance > and the ins would only pay about $300. They settled for the $300.