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View Full Version : CMP bayonets........................

Bob - The Beagle Master
05-15-2010, 06:10
I got my enewsletter last weekend about the CMP .30 cal. ammo and looked at the website out of curiosity. I found a listing for bayonets and clicked on it and it said none listed. Is the CMP planning on selling bayonets in the near future?

05-15-2010, 07:44
Yep...got ALOT from Greece. In the process of cleaning & inspecting. Orest said some MAY be ready early July.

Bob - The Beagle Master
05-16-2010, 09:19
It will probably be like last weekend's ammo. I didn't need any of that and I think I have enough bayonets so I'll probably pass on the bayonets too. I try very hard to resist the impulse to buy what I don't really need and leave stuff for the younger guys who are just starting out. I have the proper bayonet for each of my rifles and that's enough for me.

05-16-2010, 03:22
i havent got a bayonet for EVERY garand but i have a representative piece of each iteration...

ive got the 43 dated 16" for my 43 dated '03A3, a Dane bayo for my Beretta Danish Gavær M50 and a couple of 10" and at least one cut-down...

i too will pass on this new offering. in fact ive got a bunch of stuff ill be offloading (i hope) in the near future...

05-17-2010, 03:44
I have been in touch with Orest, and he states that "All we have done so far is begin to separate by size and by condition (good or bad - broken handles, tips, corroded, chipped blades, etc.). We do not have enough permanent staff to do this ourselves and are using day labor for this initial sort. The sorting is only about 20% done and will probably take several months more. The only bayonets I think we'll have ready this summeris the M5A1 - and probably not many of those."

Gary Cunningham

Bob - The Beagle Master
05-17-2010, 05:26
That's the one that only fits the M1. I've got one of those that was made by , well it looks like it says MIL PAR CO. I think one of those is enough. The one that means the most to me is the M1 bayonet made by UC and carried by my uncle in Noth Africa, Sicilly, Italy, France and Germany in WWII. I had to steal it from my grandmother's garden toolbox. She was using it to loosen the soil between flowers.

07-04-2010, 03:57
They go on sale July 5th @ 3pm