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View Full Version : Fairbairn-Sykes Knives

05-29-2010, 07:38
I'm considering buying a WW2 vintage F-S knife, but haven't had as much success as I'd hoped for looking for information about them. I've figured out the 1st/2d/3d pattern grip designs, but am a bit confused by the hand/machine ground blades, and the various marks. I understand that the MOD crow's foot indicates MOD issue - but what era? If a crossguard has Sheffield on it, I've seen conflicting info about whether that means it's a legit (WW2 era) knife or a post-war parts knife; can anybody provide insight? Also, what about ricasso markings? I've seen some on epay which are awfully appealing, but so nice that I think 70s/80s vintage (shiny blade, with F-S/knife on the ricasso).

I was surprised how little info I found on the Forum.


05-29-2010, 08:43
You may want to try and find the following book; Collector's Guide to the Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife, Alan W. Locken, 633 Oakland Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2G OB7, Bunker-to-Bunker Books, Winnipeg, 1995, ISBN 0-9699764-0-2. It's only 104 pages, but extremely well illustrated with clear, close-up photography, extensive examples of markings, and a brief discussion on avoiding fakes. I've not checked Amazon, or other sources, for current availability. Hope this helps.

John Sukey
05-31-2010, 03:06
You might want to keep in mind tht during WW2 anyone could buy them, Btits, GI's, and anyone else.

I do have a WW2 one that was actualy carried on ops. The owner sent me a letter about it, BUT I never recieved it. He retired to the Isle of Wight and the relative sho sent it to me lost contact.

07-14-2010, 10:35
Gents, thanks for your responses. Please excuse my slow reply - haven't been on here enough lately. Work has been beating me down.

Thanks again!