All Blog Entries

  1. How To Advertise Your Podcast For Maximum Exposure

    One thing that you'll wish to control is element of your podcast. Will not to upload a 400MB ".WAV" file that has a long time for download. Really convert your audio file into MP3 format so that it could be smaller and much easier to upload - and download.

    You will want to go away from the way and make up a free podcast app ([url=][/url]) ...
  2. Internet Marketing Tools - Podcasts Are The Way To Generate Traffic

    Get a microphone. Objective, i'm not talking a $400 studio microphone, but at least something with decent sound capabilities. Do not, under any circumstances, rely dealing with your computer's [url=]integral mic[/url]. Yes, people will stick by using a podcast that sounds a bit more weak, generally if the content is spectacular, however is not for long. I suggest the Audio-Technica 2020 USB mic (approx. $100 as associated with the writing) for ...
  3. The Power Of Podcasting For Creating Viral Organic Traffic

    Those who listen with a podcast regularly will require that you continue produce new material. It's important in which you take this into consideration before shifting to follow this path.

    You need to edit and package via. This is really two different tasks will be performed at the same time. Editing the audio involves removing errors and dead air in order to supply polished podcast. During that process music and bridge audio is normally added to give the podcast a ...
  4. Podcasting To Be A List Building Tool

    Podcasting are often a bit puzzling, so I'm going to an individual fit the pieces together to make your podcasts one of the greatest tools in your arsenal. Soon you may have an army of podcasts lined up and in order to hit buying carts.


    [img][/img]Once you've logged in, paste the URL off your blog post ...
  5. The Secret To Successful Podcasting


    Suze Orman is financial and money guru in which has her own television exhibition. Her show comes on at 9pm on Saturdays on CNBC. On the nights where I can view her show, I simply download her podcast from iTunes. Speaking of iTunes, are going to need find out what some of the popular podcast ...