All Blog Entries

  1. Making Money As A Beachbody Coach

    There was this mix of [b]excitement and complete terror[/b] in letting go of that steady paycheck in exchange for the unknown. All those little questions popping up in my head: Was I ready? Did I know what I was getting myself into? What if this is a complete bust?

    For Jill, Eye NLP was what made it all finally click. She wanted to see results now, and with Eye NLP she was able to see results after only using it once. At first she was admittedly resistant to Eye NLP because it was ...
  2. What Is A Life Coach And How Can One Help You?

    Make time for marketing. Now that you're clear on what technology coach you need to accomplish you need to MAKE time in your schedule to complete the necessary tasks. Don't leave this to chance! Starting TODAY allocate specific blocks of time in your schedule to work on your marketing and business development. It's best to schedule this time, early in the day, early in the week and early in the month. Eliminate your time wasters and re-train yourself to work on marketing BEFORE you do anything else ...
  3. Business Process Improvement

    A Business Coach should offer you a complimentary 15-minute coaching session so both of you can decide if you are a good fit for each other. Your coach is not your buddy or pal, but you must develop strong rapport so you can get the most possible out of your coaching sessions. Of course, it may take some time to develop a high level of trust, but the coach definitely should not give you the heebie-jeebies. If your spidey-sense sounds an alarm during the coaching sessions, you should absolutely acknowledge ...
  4. Why Writing A Business Plan Destroys Entrepreneurship

    Okay, I know, I know. You dread writing. But you can outsource the writing. Imagine instead that your articles get you long-term customer friendships globally. Picture yourself meeting people from around the world wanting to know how to name their ferret! Or something else equally important to them. You can create a coaching program on how to name a pet and sell other information products for other animal situations only you know the answer to! Definitely learn how to use the best marketing method ...
  5. Change Your Mindset And Bring Your Internet Marketing Business To The Next Level

    The same is true for an online marketing Coach. If someone wants you to pay them before they help you at all, they are in it for themselves. If they are willing to listen to you and your needs before they ask for money, then you have found a winner.

    Finding a great MLM network marketing mentor is absolutely crucial in the success of your business. You need to learn from somebody who has walked the path before you and can show you what does and doesn't work. An education in what not ...