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  1. raciss ray ??

    togor togor is offline
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Question Ray...

    How come so many of your posts focus on what black people are up to these days?
  2. Two Weeks From Today

    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    ...the country will execute a peaceful transfer of power after a particularly contentious period, and, snow cover permitting, I will commemorate the occasion with volleys of tracer rounds sent skyward. Perfectly legal in my area. The color? Orange, naturally. Because they're M25s fired from a Garand.
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  3. This will sadly thrill some folks on here...

    Quote Originally Posted by lyman View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    If the subject is Russia we ought to talk about the FireEye hack. This is a bad one. Hundreds of thousands of networks need to be rebuilt from scratch to eliminate the security flaws introduced from the initial hack.

    Trump hasn't said a word, nor will he.
    an opinion piece,

    not an actual article,
  4. Popular Vote For President Is A Bad Idea

    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    It's popular in liberal circles, but they're missing the greater danger:

    As things are today, the states are firewalled off from messing with each other's elections, so publicity stunts like this from Texas AG and future-convicted-felon Ken Paxton go nowhere.

    However with a popular vote for POTUS, every vote from Emerald City, CA counts the same as every
  5. Future elections

    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by 1903fan View Post
    I just want to know why you voted for Biden
    I'll tell you why I voted against Trump.

    But it's already obvious to millions.

    He likes the power TOO much.

    Look at what he's trying to get state politicians to do.

    America has had good, bad, nondescript, extraordinary, miserable presidents.

    And when it was time for them to go, they went, without demanding that the rules of the country be bent to their personal
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