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  1. Government Scientists & Engineers Do Something Right

    [QUOTE=JOHN COOK;544816]
    [/American ingenuity can still get it done.QUOTE]

    But we still can't learn how to count votes.

  2. California wild fires

    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post

    I may be the only one here who actually engages in prescribed burning on a regular basis. Cheap shots at the afflicted state notwithstanding, if you have a major disease-related dieoff in a roadless area, combined with drought, high winds and low relative humidity, the combination of fuel and conditions is explosive. Fuel accumulates faster than it can be removed. From what I hear the Camp Fire may have
  3. Do you have an immigrant in your family?

    Quote Originally Posted by JB White View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by RED View Post
    I am well aware of that. Perhaps I should have specified the time frame as "in recorded history."

    These are my cousins.

    They're from Arkansas. Claim to have migrated from Saskatchewan.

    As far as living relatives from Europe, I probably have a couple of second cousins floating around the US someplace. Those who came through Ellis Island and
  4. OK

    Quote Originally Posted by 1563621 View Post
    What about obama's open mike statement, "I will be easier to deal with"?????????
  5. 3 Ways To Market your Online On the Net For Free

    You will even start individual groups. Men and women will see the group and connect. As long as your articles are truthful and honest and come across as spammy then you will again start to attract like minded people. Do not [url=]afraid reveal[/url] trade secret tips. When you do share though make sure you lead them as well as somehow gather a name and email for info. For instance, give them some normally and lead them well down ...