Recent Blogs Posts

  1. 4 Steps To Fulfillment: Becoming A Life Coach

    ALWAYS send a consistent message. Be careful that you don't confuse your prospective clients about what you are offering. The simpler the message is that you are sending, the better. Simply tell them what you are offering, the results they can expect IF they follow your instructions and why the right decision is for them to choose you.

    Truth is, for a 'newbie,' having your own coach will save you the headache of trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. Because your coach ...
  2. Melbourne Business Coach

    If you are desparately searching for Superman to be your Marketing Coach, stop and take a deep breath. Let's look at the reasons you don't need Superman or even Donald Trump to be your coach to be successful. Now you may wonder why I put Superman and Donald Trump in the same sentence. Many people think of Trump as a business coach because of his work on Celebrity Apprentice. It is a good show but I am not sure it shows the true benefits of a business coach nor the interaction you should have one. ...
  3. Ten Questions One Should Solve Prior To Launching An Internet Business

    => A Sounding Board and good listener. You can share with your marketing coach your ideas, dreams, frustrations, doubts, and concerns because your coach knows where you are coming from. Your coach "gets" you.

    So... you've got your brand spanking new website all set up and ready to go. But is it designed with your target market in mind? Does it do a good job of capturing visitor data? Is it optimized for search engines? An internet marketing coach, much like a golfing ...
  4. Branding Yourself As A Home Business Mentor - 10 Simple Action Steps You Can Do Right

    Having a network marketing coach can give us proficiency. A mentor fills in the gaps of our ignorance. In mastering any new task, an experienced mentor can simplify the process, guide us through the complicated parts, help us avoid the pitfalls, and warn us about the dangers. A coach helps us avoid the school of hard knocks-the most expensive kind of education in terms of time, money, and emotional pain. A coach gives us a shortcut.

    There was this mix of excitement and complete terror ...
  5. Becoming A Life Coach - How To Get Clients For Your Life Coach Business

    An online marketing coach will guide you around the dead roads and the pitfalls normally associated with the process. And the pitfalls can seem endless. Every method in internet has a few successful streets but those are way out numbered by the dead ends. It sometimes seems like banging your head against the wall for know sane or logical reason you can even remember, but you continue because you want to make money from home.

    Did you ever imagine that you are already an expert in some ...