Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Networking And Business Coaching - Take Your Business From Good To Great

    I came back the next morning to find the jeans a perfect shade of sky blue. As I pulled them out of the tub I had a big smile on my face and a sense of deep satisfaction in my heart. I had done it. I had achieved my goal and I'd done it in a fraction of the time I thought it would take.

    Could you imagine a football team without a coach? How about a student without a teacher? Maybe a business owner with no training? Of course not! The team, the student, and the business would all fail. ...
  2. Being Positively Practical In Your Business

    So, you've written your novel and you're ready to take it to the next level. You're about to tackle the job of publishing your story, the story you've poured your heart and soul into. Unless you want to keep your novel a secret, now is the time to break the news and share it with the rest of the world. Some writers are natural born "marketeers." Alas, that wasn't this writer. Indie authors often need to learn the art of shameless self-promotion with the help of a marketing coach.
  3. Sometimes It Is The Coach Who Needs Coaching

    A Marketing Coach explains strategies and holds you accountable to playing the game full-out, and sticking to the rules. You're the player, and your job is to find the areas where your business can excel. Your coach, if they're good at what they do, will show you the most efficient way to apply your talents so you can move forward towards the goals that you've defined.

    S/he should be adept at improving communication skills within your employees as you don't want to end up pointing ...
  4. How To Start Your Own Business - From Dream To Reality

    Teaching. It's funny that writing this list, the actual teaching part came in to my mind after 4 other points, but I think it really reflects what internet marketing coaches can give you. It's not just about the things you can LEARN from them (which, is TONS if they have a profitable online business) but it's about the whole support structure. So many people struggle to make money online because they just simply don't know how. That's it! If you can get someone to teach you what works and what doesn't ...
  5. On Buying The Right Business And Panicking Slowly

    Trust me, I know it's hard to give in and say you need help. That is just human nature. To make money online you need the help of an Internet marketing coach so you know exactly what to do. If it were easy, there would be so many people making money online. In fact, it's not as easy as it sounds. I'm sure you've seen people who say they work a few hours a day and make money online. I have a coach and I work around 40 hours a week but make a good amount of money doing it. There are a lot of tricks ...