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  • Allen's Avatar
    10-06-2024, 05:51
    Allen replied to a thread Life in Alabama in Gun Talk
    Since the moon pie can of worms has been opened, Mobile celebrates New Years Eve with a moon pie drop every year similar to the ball dropping at...
    5 replies | 125 view(s)
  • Oyaji's Avatar
    10-06-2024, 12:32
    Oyaji replied to a thread Life in Alabama in Gun Talk
    You got that right! Gimme An R C Cola and a Moon Pie - Big Bill Lister
    5 replies | 125 view(s)
  • Mark in Ottawa's Avatar
    10-06-2024, 12:32
    Say what you will about Canadian medical insurance but basically, the cost of treatment in a hospital or for a doctor is of no concern to the patient...
    2 replies | 235 view(s)
  • PWC's Avatar
    10-06-2024, 12:29
    Best for what? Plinking, hunting, competition, target shooting? Big $$ swings there.
    3 replies | 89 view(s)
  • Oyaji's Avatar
    10-06-2024, 12:26
    Lots of good .22LR pistols on the market. I've had good luck with Hi Standard back in the day and even S&W Model 41s when I was into bullseye...
    3 replies | 89 view(s)
  • bruce's Avatar
    10-06-2024, 11:12
    Have had extremely good results with Ruger Mk. II's. Have bought and shot and swapped a bunch of them. Nearest thing to problem free using good...
    3 replies | 89 view(s)
  • PWC's Avatar
    10-06-2024, 10:56
    PWC replied to a thread Life in Alabama in Gun Talk
    Barq's in a bottle with "dimples" on the glass. Moon Pies to go with RC, eventhough they don't taste as good as they used to.
    5 replies | 125 view(s)
  • Allen's Avatar
    10-06-2024, 09:57
    Allen replied to a thread Life in Alabama in Gun Talk
    I always liked RC and Lotta Cola (Double Cola was scarce here) but yeah, in the days past all soft drinks here were referred to as a Coke. A Pepsi...
    5 replies | 125 view(s)
  • barretcreek's Avatar
    10-06-2024, 09:20
    barretcreek replied to a thread Life in Alabama in Gun Talk
    Most folks here have a pair of almost new black Levis or Wranglers for funerals. Weddings too; same difference. That Chevy better be a dually. ...
    5 replies | 125 view(s)
  • Oyaji's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 07:48
    Oyaji replied to a thread Diego Garcia in Gun Talk
    Agreed. The U. S. has invested billions of dollars in blood, sweat and tears into the development and buildup of Diego Garcia. Naval Construction...
    3 replies | 448 view(s)
  • Allen's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 06:23
    Allen replied to a thread Have you ever lost a gun? in Gun Talk
    Not good.
    9 replies | 630 view(s)
  • Allen's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 06:20
    Allen replied to a thread Diego Garcia in Gun Talk
    Could have offered it to the U.S. It will probably fall into the hands of the Chinese now.
    3 replies | 448 view(s)
  • Oyaji's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 06:04
    Oyaji replied to a thread Diego Garcia in Gun Talk
    Hmmm........very interesting. I did a 12 month unaccompanied tour of duty on Diego Garcia 1980-81. Have to see how this all pans out.
    3 replies | 448 view(s)
  • barretcreek's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 03:42
    barretcreek replied to a thread Help understanding in Revolvers
    Smith has a variety of 5 shot L frame .44s. I have a 696 44Sp (disc), friend has a 69 .44Mag. 296 was an alloy frame shrouded hammer .44Sp. ...
    5 replies | 813 view(s)
  • barretcreek's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 03:00
    Knew a guy whose GF lost an earring at his place. Wife found it. CO does have a law requiring lost/stolen guns be reported.
    9 replies | 630 view(s)
  • bruce's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 01:19
    bruce replied to a thread Have you ever lost a gun? in Gun Talk
    Hey Red! Very glad your pistol turned up! You are not the only one who has misplaced a pistol or rifle and then looked all over the place before...
    9 replies | 630 view(s)
  • Allen's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 11:11
    Allen replied to a thread Have you ever lost a gun? in Gun Talk
    Part of getting old. Get used to the new "normal". Who needs drugs or Alzheimer's when you've got old?
    9 replies | 630 view(s)
  • Oyaji's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 10:16
    Oyaji replied to a thread Have you ever lost a gun? in Gun Talk
    Glad you found the missing firearm, Red. It wasn't too long ago that I was searching for my misplaced wallet when the wife found it in the...
    9 replies | 630 view(s)
  • RED's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 09:54
    RED replied to a thread Have you ever lost a gun? in Gun Talk
    I have been looking for 10 days and found it. It was in my roll around walker basket. The net basket is black and so is the gun. There was some...
    9 replies | 630 view(s)
  • lyman's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 09:43
    lyman replied to a thread Have you ever lost a gun? in Gun Talk
    call the police and report it missing\stolen and also your insurance co, if you find it later, just call them back and say oops, found it, ...
    9 replies | 630 view(s)
  • Oyaji's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 08:14
    Oyaji replied to a thread Have you ever lost a gun? in Gun Talk
    To paraphrase Daniel Boone..... "I've never lost a gun, but I was powerful confused for about three days once." :1948:
    9 replies | 630 view(s)
  • Johnny P's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 07:37
    Johnny P replied to a thread Renaissance wax in Gun Talk
    Unless done as a form of mental relaxation you are better off using an oily rag, and get in all the places you can't wax.
    2 replies | 133 view(s)
  • Allen's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 09:42
    Allen replied to a thread Have you ever lost a gun? in Gun Talk
    I've experienced similar 911 calls where everyone shows up IN your house including the volunteer fire dept people and won't leave. It is my...
    9 replies | 630 view(s)
  • Oyaji's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 05:22
    Oyaji replied to a thread Renaissance wax in Gun Talk
    My recommendation would be to ensure that it is only applied to a clean, dry surface. It's good stuff, I like using it wood stocks and blued steel...
    2 replies | 133 view(s)
  • JohnMOhio's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 05:02
    Sound advise Allen.
    4 replies | 313 view(s)
  • Allen's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 12:47
    At least the way it is here in Alabama.
    4 replies | 313 view(s)
  • lyman's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 09:30
    lyman replied to a thread SRS please in Krag Rifle
    thanks again Johnny, and yes, fully aware that a close don't count,
    5 replies | 999 view(s)
  • Johnny P's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 06:26
    Johnny P replied to a thread SRS please in Krag Rifle
    Post had nothing to do with consecutive numbers. Only mentioned that the number shown was as close as he could get without hitting his number.
    5 replies | 999 view(s)
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