print mounting
Attachment 53152
Attachment 53153
Printable View
print mounting
Attachment 53152
Attachment 53153
Dragonsdad, I understand where you are coming from regarding a second look. With me a bit difference. A second look was required because I couldn't believe what I saw and that became the line to cross. Was it worth the effort to take that photo and use up some film. Now, I just try to make up my mind on the first look even with the digital camera. My only regret is that I find I was able to do more with a 35 mm than with the inexpensive digital I purchased some years ago. Now it is a choice, do I get a replacement digital camera of better quality or stock up on reloading supplies.
My younger son (35) is fond of reminding me entire forums are dedicated to smart phone photography.
I have to admit, having a cell handy beats not having anything.
(Samsung Galaxy)
Attachment 53172
I took the following with an older point & shoot.
(6 meg / HP Photosmart)
Attachment 53173
Point I'm trying to make, there's no wrong way to do this. While nice gear can provide the motivation to go out and use same, reloading supplies are less likely to disappear when your back's turned. If I had the time and money to pursue all my interests I'd probably develop a new one that'd either leave me broke or kill me outright. I've made my choice. I'd be out of line to suggest anyone else do otherwise.
Some of the older smart phones are all right, once you get your head around the limitations of the small sensor.
I had an S-6 that was a whiz at riflescope reticle pictures.
Pretty much the same thing with the majority of the point and shoot digitals, with the largest sensor available in one being the equivalent of APSC/DX format. I suppose it all boils down to your satisfaction level when it comes to images, and what can be done with them.
Personally, the I/Q of full frame/FX formats is the way to go for me, especially when it comes to capturing fine detail. The ability to make large scale prints from the 24x36mm sensor is worth the trouble.
It would be worth it to investigate used when it comes time to consider an improved, or better camera. My current camera was bought used in slightly beater condition for less than 1/3 of the price of new. It took a bit of time and looking around to find it, but in the long run, for me, very worth while...
Doc Sharptail
You come across as having the ability to retain information, a skill I'm deficient in.
You also make a very good point about used gear. I've seen a lot of estate sale / inheritance stuff come and go on Craigslist.
I've done multi-image stitched panoramas with my Finepix digital with no problems except the transition from front to side to back light.
I level everything & go to a mild telephoto & shoot vertical format with a slight overlap.
Not sure how well it will render but I'll try.
This is at about 25%
Attachment 53174
Dragonsdad, I like both your photos. Nicely done. Buy the way, does that aircraft happen to be a Yak 9?
Phlasher, very nicely done composite. From others I have seen, mine included, seems that the most difficult part other than overlapping the shots is making sure your tripod, if being used, is level. Otherwise even with overlapping it seems to provide a bowel effect when joined together.
Very nice work Guys.
Sorry, John;
I can attest to a YAK 11 outfitted in very similar livery having flown at the Reno Air Races and that's about it. Truth is, I was working with a 2 hour window after finishing the work I'd been contracted to do and started wandering, taking pictures as I went. The actual event hadn't opened to the public yet and people kept inviting me into areas I knew I couldn't justify being in. Rather than embarrass myself and waste anyone's time, I stuck to just taking snaps.
same day, nothing (that I could tell) to do with the Air Races, sitting by itself in a hanger, somebody's baby-
Attachment 53175
Not really, but thanks for thinking so. :icon_wink:
When it comes to stuff like the in-law's kids names, I'm a total loss, among other things...
I've mentioned it before- KEH camera is a good place to start, both as a reference point, and some fairly good deals.
And no, I don't work for them, or have any affiliation...
Doc Sharptail