over the last few weeks, i havnt heard from Clark, no returns to my email, or phone calls,..
so i did some searching, on a social network, i found his family, and his son was kind enough to send me this email...

Subject: Clark
Chuck, I'm sorry to say that my dad passed away on April 9th of this year. He was suffering fibrosis of the lungs and decided to enter hospice. He was very alert up until he needed the pain medications. He went swiftly as was his plan.
Thanks for your concern.


Clark will be missed, and left a positive mark on the 1903 Collectors world...was always open, had a smile and a handshake, had a great love for these old rifles.
loved his friends, and family, and held them dear.
iv met and talked with Clark many times over the years, first met him through my dad.
im greatful for the books he wrote, and the info he shared..