I know this is a long shot but no harm in asking. Would anybody have or know how I could get a copy of the 1957 match bulletin with a listing of the high power competitors for that year. Herschel, who posts on this forum did have the 1958 bulletin so maybe there is hope.

Reason I am asking is that I have a N.M. rifle that was purchased by a M/Sgt. Zimmerman at Camp Perry following the 1957 National Matches. I would like to get whatever info I can regarding him. I believe, when he competed in the 1957 Nat. Matches he may have been a member of the Minnesota National Guard team. I only based that on the fact that, other than Camp Perry in 1957, the other entries in his Score Book show him shooting at Camp Ridley, a Minnesota N.G. Base.

Any information would be appreciated. Thanks