Some years ago I got one of those Greek returned 1903 rifles from the CMP.

Recently I was looking through old emails and was unable to locate a brief email correspondence between J. Beard and myself regarding this rifle (in 2004). I'd like to be able to better document the story on this gun... at the time, it never occurred to me I'd lose track of the emails.

Anyway, the rifle has serial number in the 1.29 million range. The receiver is marked Springfield Armory, but it has an "O" stamped into the receiver below the serial number, and the barrel is dated 9-28.

From what I recall, the special significance of this rifle is that it was built from an RIA-made receiver which was finished at Springfield Armory. I believe John Beard indicated there was about 8000 such receivers that were assembled into rifles.

Any light that anyone can shed on this would be appreciated.