Quote Originally Posted by Merc View Post
I have experienced the Scottsdale, AZ heat (100 degrees) as recent as last week.

It’s amazing how hot asphalt roads in AZ get by mid day. All this heat will raise tire pressure significantly which means that inflating tire over the recommended pressure can be very dangerous. I read a tire review on tirerack.com where someone in AZ experienced multiple deep cracks in the tread grooves all around the tire from over-inflation.

I had a tire serviced while we were in Florida in March and noticed that the tech inflated all four tires to 41 PSI (maximum Goodyear inflation spec) instead of the Toyota specified 35 PSI. Gas mileage might improve slightly but high pressure will make the tires wear unevenly in the center of the tread and cause cracking.

Edit: Something I heard recently made no sense. Some new cars are supposedly not being equipped with spare tires. Does that mean you have to buy a spare separately? Vans and SUVs have the spare mounted under the vehicle. Did they eliminate the crank-up storage device?

some cars come with Run Flats, (the 2 Mini Coopers I owned were such)
tire goes, you slow down and drive to the nearest service center to have it replaced,
spare tire well (not all trim levels had run flats) held a foam insert with a jack, and a few small tools,

I don't recall the recommended mileage, as far as how far you could get on a run flat when it looses pressure, but it was dependent on speed,

the car also had a tire monitor system that would tell you which tire was low on pressure, and they were Nitro filled

great cars, but the tires (hot rod Conti's) were soft,
car stuck to the road, but tire live was rarely over 2 yrs, I replaced them about every 18 months on average,
not from flats, but from use