In Viet Nam, our camp well was so saturated with chlorine, you could bleach clothes in it. Which it pretty much had to be to kill off all the harmful amoeba and stuff like liver flukes. But with the heat & humidity, you drank it. I severely missed a big drink of cold water. Came in from leaving footprints one fine day dryer than popcorn flatulence.

Somebody said the cook had ice. (Meat came in iced, and the cook sold it a few chunks at a time. I think 10 cents MPC would get your canteen cup mostly full.) So I bought a chunk, stuffed it in my canteen cup and asked after a can of pop. All he had left was Fresca. Whatever - another dime and I held the cup against my mug, savoring the carbonation cooling me. After letting it cool a bit I slugged down half the cup and... YUCK!

It made my thirst worse! And tasted... not pleasant at all. So to this day I love my cold water and drink a lot every day. SW