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Thread: RCBS 1010 scale

  1. Default RCBS 1010 scale

    This has always been a superior scale and expensive. It was the gold standard for a long time.

    IT was made by Ohaus (no longer make reloading scales ) in New Jersey. Turn it upside down and it says New Jersey. Made in USA and reliable.

    Then RCBS moved the 1010 production to Mexico and quality slid and then to China and its a crap scale now. Turn the Chinese version upside down and you read New Jersey. They cloned the scale perfectly to copy the Ohaus original except the quality.

    Ohaus marketed the 1010 under their name for a while , so did Lyman. All sold a variant model called the 510 which had the same superb beam and quality of precision but on a less robust chassis. Either scale will serve you a life time if its made in USA. I am going over 40 yrs on my Ohaus 1010 effortlessly.

    So if you are into market for a beam scale, get an original Made in USA Ohaus built 1010 or 510...they are on Ebay and other sites from time to time. Yes you can go to a new current production brand scale but you will be ill served as its features are not as user friendly as these Ohaus built scales .

    Made in makes a huge difference in scales. It just does

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I used a RCBS 10-10 scale for a long time. It was THE best beam scale ever! Prices for them have risen greatly tho.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Yep the American made 10 10 scale is awesome. I bought a new RCBS but I think it's called a M1000. I went back to using used 10-10. The new scale was bought on a whim (impulse buy as it was on sale). If it ain't broke don't fix it comes to mind.

  4. Default

    Guys, thanks for posting , I hope with 3 of us flagging the truth, others will avoid costly mistakes.

    The little 510 series RCBS /OHAUS is a dandy. With a keen eye at small shows, you can find them sometimes very cheap. I bought one for $10 in fine condition two yrs ago and its a back up on the shelf...may never need it but its there . Same beam as on the 1010 and same accuracy / dependability.

    The 510 will go in the $70 to $55 range on Ebay but the 1010 is really quite pricey on Ebay.

    Its a shame but the great beam type scales just aren't made anymore for reloaders, what you see today is second rate to the Ohaus products of long ago. If I just had to...a modern scale that might be okay is the Dillon but its method of setting up weight on beam is dinky and a PITA.

    Good luck to all

  5. #5


    Then RCBS moved the 1010 production to Mexico and quality slid and then to China and its a crap scale now. Turn the Chinese version upside down and you read New Jersey. They cloned the scale perfectly to copy the Ohaus original except the quality.

    So if they are both stamped New Jersey how can one tell if it is USA made?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    My new M 1000 has made in China sticker on bottom.

  7. Default

    So I have an RCBS 5-0-5 scale that I got in a Rockchucker kit years ago. It is marked Ohaus. Is it smaller than the 510 series?

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by swampyankee View Post
    Then RCBS moved the 1010 production to Mexico and quality slid and then to China and its a crap scale now. Turn the Chinese version upside down and you read New Jersey. They cloned the scale perfectly to copy the Ohaus original except the quality.

    So if they are both stamped New Jersey how can one tell if it is USA made?

    Yes Indeed...the Chicom version has Ohaus / New Jersey cloned right on it. The way to tell the difference is look on the body of scale where your balance beam points...The Chicom / Mexican copy scale here is not in tenths of a grain.

    Go here for photo of what is right:

    Now go to 22 second mark at this video for what is WRONG/CHINESE/MEXICAN crap"

    No increments at all there , just the zero mark.

    Sir, you asked a great question and hopefully the above will help you out find a real 1010.

    The 5 10 RCBS will do the trick too and you can find them (none made in Mex/China) for about 50-60 bucks. Less massive chassis but same beam and same great Ohaus accuracy.

    Here is one up for sale that is legit and mint condition:

  9. #9


    Still own, and use the tan colored Ohaus 10-10, the RCBS version, as well as one of the old Ohaus mfd. 505's. First scale I used was an ancient Redding that had no way to dampen the movement of the beam.
    I may end up going with one of the 'super whiz-bang' digital thingies....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Texas native exiled to Oz for past indescretions to numerous to mention.


    Quote Originally Posted by Darreld Walton View Post
    I may end up going with one of the 'super whiz-bang' digital thingies....
    Depending upon your definition of 'super whiz-bang' you may want to consider an Autotrickler with an A&D FX-120i electronic scale. The combination is fast and accurate down to within a kernel or two of Varget, each grain of which weighs approximately .02-grains. I've been much more than well pleased with mine.


    Setup is easy. I bought the A&D scale from the Cambridge bunch as recommended. The Autotrickler guy communicates fast and thoroughly but the Cambridge guys may take a day or two to respond to you. You may want to rest the trickler on a mouse pad or other cushion. The manufacturer as well as some other reviewers have several videos up on youtube so you can see what you're getting into, but I don't hesitate to recommend either of them.

    Of course, if you really want to go nucking futz, there's always the Prometheus at about 3-K for the lease.....
    "There it is"

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