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  1. #51
    leftyo Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by clintonhater View Post
    I'm a Benefactor member and am relieved NRA showed enough common sense to recognize that defending these stocks was a loosing proposition.
    lapierre has started backpedalling!

  2. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by Sandpebble View Post
    Was happy to read your reply Allen.... but I'm not fascinated with fertilizers, it was merely an example ... but.. "Barbaric Liberals" ?

    Like everyone here... I love my guns. But as its a fact that more Americans have died within the US borders from gunshot since the 60's than all the wars in our history combined.... we need to understand why others may not love our guns.... and we need to understand that they have the power of vote... and that is what America is all about...... according to The Constitution .

    Without concessions.... we could lose it all.... and sad as it sounds, thats a simple fact....
    "But as its a fact that more Americans have died within the US borders from gunshot since the 60's than all the wars in our history combined...."

    Please, please, pretty please provide a source for this statement.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by Sandpebble View Post
    Like everyone here... I love my guns. But we need to understand that they have the power of vote...
    Well, we had a recent presidential election and guess who won? You and I aren't the only ones who love our guns.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by Sandpebble View Post
    Was happy to read your reply Allen but "Barbaric Liberals" ?
    I have obviously offended you and your employer. Give me an example of when a liberal does NOT fit this description.

  5. Default OK... here is one source of many... its any easy find

    Quote Originally Posted by USMilitaryGuy View Post
    "But as its a fact that more Americans have died within the US borders from gunshot since the 60's than all the wars in our history combined...."

    Please, please, pretty please provide a source for this statement.
    More Americans killed by guns since 1968 than in all U.S. wars, columnist Nicholas Kristof writes _ PunditFact

    Politifact has an example of all the statistics

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by leftyo View Post
    here, the guy doesnt have a fancy stock, and is in total control of the rifle. so are we going to ban fingers, or what?
    Leftyo.... that is an example of a "Rambo wannabe"..... just a boy playing with a toy. Believe it or not.... he ain't no Minute Man thats gonna protect us all from an oppressive regime ...

    Know what I'm saying.. ?

  7. #57
    leftyo Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sandpebble View Post
    Leftyo.... that is an example of a "Rambo wannabe"..... just a boy playing with a toy. Believe it or not.... he ain't no Minute Man thats gonna protect us all from an oppressive regime ...

    Know what I'm saying.. ?
    i suppose if i posted a video of jerry miculek or some other fast competitor running just as fast and making groups that some people cant do slow fire you would say the same thing. didnt like that video go down, one guy is moving while rapid firing, and putting pretty good hits on target. i suppose since you probably cant do anything like it, its no good for everybody, am i right? the simple fact is that the bump stocks are just a tool, and banning them will do ZERO good for anyone. you would think that some day it would be illegal to kill people. silly isnt it?

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by leftyo View Post
    i suppose if i posted a video of jerry miculek or some other fast competitor running just as fast and making groups that some people cant do slow fire you would say the same thing. didnt like that video go down, one guy is moving while rapid firing, and putting pretty good hits on target. i suppose since you probably cant do anything like it, its no good for everybody, am i right? the simple fact is that the bump stocks are just a tool, and banning them will do ZERO good for anyone. you would think that some day it would be illegal to kill people. silly isnt it?
    thats where we differ Leftyo.... its not a tool... tools are for creating something positive ... that thing is a toy. And just for general BS... I'm quite proficient with numerous full auto firearms

  9. #59
    leftyo Guest


    the guns in those video's are just semi auto AR 15's, no fancy stocks or anything else. this whole thing is not really about some dang stock, its about the anti's wanting guns, all guns. those kinds of video's are all over, and what do you think the anti's are going to be screaming about once the stocks are gone, thats right the guns themselves! tool's, they only do what they are made to do, be it positive, or negative!

  10. #60


    I can't believe intelligent gun owners are willing to go to the mat for a cheap piece of plastic crap that I would bet they have never heard of until this week, have never seen one and have no interest in ever buying one. It has no purpose as a self defense weapon and you would get killed if you think this would give you a fighting chance in a real fire fight in your SHTF scenario. The NRA is smart enough to know you have to pick and choose your battles, and this is a losing battle. The vast majority of the people in this country don't understand a bump stock and think it's a machine gun. Try to defend it in a public forum and you will lose. Let the idiots ban it and they can say they did something and it goes away. Americans have a very short memory.

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