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  1. Default And I thank you ..

    Quote Originally Posted by USMilitaryGuy View Post
    Thanks for the reply.

    For those that don't want to have to look it up -

    OK. They had numbers. I have a calculator.

    From 1968 until 2015 is 47 years. (Their cut-off date, not mine.) They used the year of Robert F. Kennedy's assassination. He was actually assassinated in June, but I gave them the whole year in order to lower the daily death count. With an average of 365 days per year (because I did not want to calculate leap years), is a total of 17,155 days.

    1,516,863 deaths (their number) divided by 17,155 days equals a little more than 88 deaths per day - everyday of the year - for 47 years.

    Statistics - you gotta love them.

    You would think 88 gun deaths per day - everyday - for 47 years would be . . . ummmm . . . common knowledge? I guess you can learn (or at least read) something everyday.

    Thanks, again for the info.
    And I thank you Sir for a polite response on what is typically a very hostile forum towards any viewpoint not wanted to be heard....

    Even as a gun lover I have think hard about those stats ...... even if a lot of them "were only" suicides

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by Sandpebble View Post
    Thats right Swampy ... its called concessions. We make them.... or lose. As Togor aptly put it ... give up a domino
    Why do "we" have to make concessions or is it like waving a signed paper, "Peace in our time!"...does the name of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin ring a bell? To compromise is to loose, Pelosi has already stated what the National Socialists want in the way of total control. Some of you guys are so bright that you can't see the forest for the trees! Listen to Sandpebble and he will lead your guns directly to the ovens with this appeasement talk. Sandpebble is one of "them" not one of "us" haven't you figured this out by now? Himmler [who was head of the German secret police and SS] said that if German's wanted to have a gun then they should join the Waffen SS! Pebbles is pushing EXACTLY what the other National Socialists of 80 years ago did and people are buying into it.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by S.A. Boggs View Post
    Why do "we" have to make concessions or is it like waving a signed paper, "Peace in our time!"...does the name of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin ring a bell? To compromise is to loose, Pelosi has already stated what the National Socialists want in the way of total control. Some of you guys are so bright that you can't see the forest for the trees! Listen to Sandpebble and he will lead your guns directly to the ovens with this appeasement talk. Sandpebble is one of "them" not one of "us" haven't you figured this out by now? Himmler [who was head of the German secret police and SS] said that if German's wanted to have a gun then they should join the Waffen SS! Pebbles is pushing EXACTLY what the other National Socialists of 80 years ago did and people are buying into it.
    To compromise is to lose you say ...... 59 dead 520 injured in ten minutes...... thats not losing ?

  4. #74
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    Oceanside, Ca


    And please explain how you could even imagine why those 59 dead and 520 wounded wouldn't draw attention away from... statues...

    Evidently they weren't that "hot" on statues to begin with. I can hardly wait to see what the liberal "cause de jure" will be next week.

    As I noted in another thread, the NRA just screwed Democrats, by saying they had no problem with regulations on "bump stocks". Some are "indignant". Why? Most of us had never even heard of "bump stocks".
    "No man's life, liberty, or property is safe, while Congress is in session." Mark Twain

  5. #75
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    Orangevale, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    Why make anything illegal, is that the argument? Why can't a guy have as much firepower as he wants? Surely you agree that a line gets drawn somewhere, for the good of civilization, yes?
    I am all in favor of people having the freedom to purchase as much firepower as they want.

    I have ideas about what is good for civilization - and it doesn't include the government as the solution to all problems.

    So willingly give up your rights - beg a bureaucrat for permission to purchase items - I'm just sorry I have to go down with the ship along with you.


  6. #76
    leftyo Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sandpebble View Post
    To compromise is to lose you say ...... 59 dead 520 injured in ten minutes...... thats not losing ?
    you know what losing is... thinking that banning a gun part would have prevented a nut job form committing mass murder, that is losing!

  7. #77
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    Southern Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by Sandpebble View Post
    To compromise is to lose you say ...... 59 dead 520 injured in ten minutes...... thats not losing ?
    Something you are familiar with, the CDC says in an "average" year 88,000 people die from ethanol issues and it costs the U.S. about $2.05 per drink. More people are killed with your beloved ethanol then my firearms. Sad as the factors at Vegas are they do not compare to what happens on the nation's roads on a daily basis. Ever work an accident scene, I have. Ever watch a 19 year old girl die from a drunk driver, I have. I attended more accident scenes the shootings WHAT AGOUT YOU? Know what it is like to extract a victim from a DUI, I do. Ever clean up a back board that had blood and brains on it, I did. I wish I could say that I didn't but I can't. You know that burnt human flesh smells like burnt bacon? I am so sick and tired of people dying because of other people. I just wish that the human race could live by the "Golden Rule" and we don't. God gave us a beautiful place to live, why do we continue to screw it up?

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by S.A. Boggs View Post
    Something you are familiar with, the CDC says in an "average" year 88,000 people die from ethanol issues and it costs the U.S. about $2.05 per drink. More people are killed with your beloved ethanol then my firearms. Sad as the factors at Vegas are they do not compare to what happens on the nation's roads on a daily basis. Ever work an accident scene, I have. Ever watch a 19 year old girl die from a drunk driver, I have. I attended more accident scenes the shootings WHAT AGOUT YOU? Know what it is like to extract a victim from a DUI, I do. Ever clean up a back board that had blood and brains on it, I did. I wish I could say that I didn't but I can't. You know that burnt human flesh smells like burnt bacon? I am so sick and tired of people dying because of other people. I just wish that the human race could live by the "Golden Rule" and we don't. God gave us a beautiful place to live, why do we continue to screw it up?
    now I know you are full of xxxx.... because it doesn't smell like bacon

  9. #79
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    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by Sandpebble View Post
    now I know you are full of xxxx.... because it doesn't smell like bacon
    Go away pebbles, you have no idea of what I went thru...I am tired, I was there, I saw the horror of the gasoline fire and the man burnt from head to toe. I helped pick him off the ground and gently put his body on our stretcher, yes he was still alive but not for long. Pebbles, you tire me and bring back memories that I buried long ago and for what, your arsine and obtuse ravings? I am like Vern, I don't have to prove a damn thing to you or anyone else on this board!

  10. #80


    Want bump-stocks? Fine - no problem - just classify them as what they in fact are, under the NFA. That should weed out a LOT of the wanabees.

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