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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Lakewood, California

    Default books / data sources on Type 44 rifles

    Are there any books or web sites that have good information on type 44 rifles.

  2. Default

    See your original post below on your 44

  3. Default

    I have a book that covers old rifles, I use the book for my resource but I have been told by owners' of newer books their information is more accurate. My book only covers Military weapons by country up to 1945.

    F. Guffey

  4. #4



    There are several. If you're looking for a good introduction to Type 44 Carbines - and Japanese rifles generally - I would recommend "Military Rifles of Japan" by Fred Honeycutt and F. Patt Anthony, I think it must be in its sixth edition now.

    For a (much) deeper-dive buy "The Type 38 Arisaka" by Frank Allen. The majority of the book is devoted to the Type 38 Infantry Rifle but as Type 44 Cavalry Carbines incorporate the Type 38 action the Type 44 section is large and detailed with lots of variations and serial numbers listed.


    Last edited by Ketoujin; 11-27-2024 at 10:55.

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