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Thread: Photographs (a chance to show off)

  1. Default Photographs

    Landscapes / critters / dealer's choice.
    I'm thinking one or two every once in awhile but your contributions are up to you.

    (opening gambit) ...fairly recent
    Last edited by Dragonsdad; 06-02-2023 at 09:55.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Haystack, Nebr.


    Certainly not showing off my photography skill - but some scenes from this part of the world. All taken with a cheap f5.6 135mm Zuiko on an OM1. SW

    This goat was grazing by the road. When I neared, it pulled back to leave but snagged the tips of his horns in wire. Did a lot of bucking and jumping around... stopped to catch his breath - lowered his head and *bingo!* free!

    Chuck wagon lnot far from Lance Creek, Wyo. Cowpoke working there said it had been used in the last 5 years. (1985)

    Assortment of ranch equip on 20 Mile Rd between Lance Creek and Lost Springs, Wyo.

    "Fixer upper". A fellow told me it was formerly ranch hand lodging. Probably just skunks or a badger live there now.
    Last edited by 5thDragoons; 05-29-2023 at 03:23.

  3. Default

    I appreciate the chance to see parts of the country I wouldn't otherwise.

    No reason to sell yourself short on the picture taking.
    You need to hear that.
    Last edited by Dragonsdad; 05-29-2023 at 03:57.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    the thumb of michigan

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Whitemouth R., Up the Escarpment


    This is Hazel Creek, taken sometime last summer, with my sister fishing for pike.
    I have seen several 10-12 lb-er's taken from that tiny shallow stream.
    It is about 55 miles east of the home of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.
    The bridge we are on is on the old and now closed section of Hwy. #15.
    IIRC, nikon D-200 with nikkor "K" 50mm f2 at probably f5.6.

    Sturgeon Creek at first ice-up a couple of years ago.
    That creek is right here in the city, and I've lost count of the eater walleye I've caught there.
    Nikon D-810 with nikkor "H" 50 mm f2 at f5.6 just after I bought the lens.

    Those old Zuiko lenses have a reputation for excellent imagery, as shown in Hogger's photo's.


    Doc Sharptail

  6. Default

    My older son had his first fish on the stringer and I'd gone back to camp to grab the camera.
    I got back in time to catch a shot of the younger boy pulling his 1st out of the water with the older holding his up for the camera.


    His mother tried to reach for the pole but he was having none of that. Both boys landed their own fish.
    Angel Lake, near Wells, Nevada
    Last edited by Dragonsdad; 06-02-2023 at 10:05.

  7. Default

    a sunrise

  8. Default

    Last edited by Dragonsdad; 06-01-2023 at 07:38.

  9. Default


    sometime prior to 1983. Local casino owner's ranch several miles south of me.
    Darn near stepped on a coiled rattlesnake in the process of taking this.
    ...looking through the viewfinder while walking sideways
    Last edited by Dragonsdad; 06-02-2023 at 10:03.

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