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Thread: Food for thought

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region

    Default Food for thought


    As a child I remember when all the old home sites, mostly farmers had pear trees. I'm speaking of what we call "sand pears". They aren't great for eating off the tree but can be just fine for pies and canning. I remember seeing dozens of canned jars of these pears in most of the homes I visited back then. I guess they were put in reserve in case of dire need. All of these people I speak of went through the Great Depression and remembered what it was like not having food.

    I have a couple of bearing trees right now with the limbs loaded down to the ground. I am giving them away to someone we know. What they are doing with them I donno. They make good baseball's too as they are fairly hard but soften like baked apples when cooked.

    I just read up on them to see how long they would keep in the mason jars. The "best by" recommendation is one year but they last many years beyond that--some report eating them 25 years later or so. Even on line, with no one wanting to go off on a limb it is stated that "if you open a jar, it still has a vacuum, still smells and looks good, it probably is still edible.

    Like apples, which do not grow here, they are preserved with a little cinnamon.

    When speaking here on survival foods we mostly speak about store bought items but this would be a good source of food as well. A co-worker of mine made kumquat marmalade--it was much better than the store bought orange. I would think you could do the same with other fruits and berries as well such as loquats.

    Any thoughts on this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    Brandy peaches.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    State of Deseret


    As a native of Brigham City, my mother would "put up" peaches annually at just about this time of year. Oh, how she loved peaches and us kids did too. Mom always looked forward to Peach Days which is the first weekend after Labor Day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by Oyaji View Post
    As a native of Brigham City, my mother would "put up" peaches annually at just about this time of year. Oh, how she loved peaches and us kids did too. Mom always looked forward to Peach Days which is the first weekend after Labor Day.
    Sounds like home made ice cream day too.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by S.A. Boggs View Post
    Brandy peaches.
    My mother had a recipe for fruit cocktail bandy using the store bought canned cocktail mix of peaches, pears, pineapple and cherries.

  5. #5
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    Mom canned peaches, tomatoes, pears from G'ma and G'pa's farm. Made and canned relish. I was the "motor" on the crank of the grinder. Bell peppers would squeal as they were ground along with onions, cucumbers and carrots. Big blue with white dots all over the porcelain "canner" where the Mason jars were sterilized. Oh, the smell of the veggies cooked in the vinegar and special spices filled the house. All night long we could hear the Ball Dome Lids pop as the vacuum pulled them down to seal as the jars cooled.

  6. Default

    Late September coming home through Green River I always fill the car with melons. Come fall the Xmas festival will have crab apple preserves plus folks will go down to orchard country and make fruit and chili preserves.
    Last edited by barretcreek; 08-13-2024 at 07:28.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Beach Va, not Va Beach
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    grandparents both froze and canned

    one in the city, the other in the country

    both had gardens, and canned the results ,

    never did much fruit, other the one set on the farm did not have any fruit trees,

    did have a great uncle who had a pear, supposedly planted by John Brown when he passed thru the area

    wife and I , when we did garden, would freeze stuff,

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Dallas, TX metro.. formerly Phoenix metro, AZ


    I had a great aunt (I was blessed as she was a nanny to me from age 5 to about 14) made PIES from scratch. Apple, Pecan, Strawberry Rhubarb, Mince meat, oh many they were so good.
    Never knew about canned goods, although one day in a deserted barn we found cans of "fermented plums". They smelled a lot like turpentine so we "passed on them"

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