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Thread: Inflation

  1. #1

    Default Inflation

    My, how things have gone up. Have a receipt from where my great grandfather bought supplies, Feb. 14, 1890.

    1 Barrel Flour. $4.75
    50# Lard. 4.25
    10# Tobacco. 3.50

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Plus the flour barrel was free.

    We all know the value of money was way less then but think about how long 50# of lard and 10# of tobacco would last.

    With inflation we mainly look at the price. This is a reminder of how "little" we are actually buying. Tobacco is sold by the ounce. Flour in 2,5 or 10# paper bags.

  3. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Ottawa, Canada


    My understanding is that in most western countries inflation has recently dropped to an acceptable level of about 2% to 2.5% per year. That's all very well but it doesn't reverse the huge inflationary increases of the last couple of years. The fact that the level of current and future pain is gone, doesn't help with the ongoing pain of the past. Nevertheless, politicians are crowing about how wonderful they are

  4. #5
    Join Date
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    Phoenix AZ area
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    Inflation goes up faster than wages. Many are paying 2024 prices with 2022 wages. Once $$ go up they never come back down. 4 yrs ago gas was $2.38, now look at it. I am old enough to remember putting $1 in the tank of my 53 Ford and having enough fora night of dating.

  5. #6


    Recently got statement for auto and home owners insurance. Within a few dollars of doubling since last year. Home probably gone up in value slightly, cars went down in value.

  6. #7
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    Phoenix AZ area
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    As I understand it, car insurance increased because of all the EVs catching fire and property damage claim payouts.

  7. Default

    & I have this GREAT deal on a bridge in Brooklyn, boychick.

  8. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Cleveland Ohio


    What I suggest is not just comparing your current and past billing. Compare your declarations page, the listings of individual coverages and premiums of the last period to your newest one. It will tell you more than just an overall increase in premium. It will let you see if Liability costs increased or if it was for the physical damage coverage on your vehicle. This will tell you where your company paid out on losses. Also remember, the insurance company has to provide this info to your State Insurance Department for rate increase approval. That is how it works here in Ohio. I would believe it works the same in other states.
    Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.
    Author unkown.

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