At first I thought this was a satire, but nope!
This is a real post from anti-gunners. THIS is the level of intelligence we're dealing with!
boolitt fragment.jpg
At first I thought this was a satire, but nope!
This is a real post from anti-gunners. THIS is the level of intelligence we're dealing with!
boolitt fragment.jpg
Where the h#$* did you find that? Looks like a pwr point presentation of some progressive liberal democratic communist before congress.
That's the way old, old cartoons portrayed bullets.
That would have to be one more worn out bore and a very strong firing pin spring.
at the web address in the image.
At a gun shop here in Connecticut, there was a sign on the shelving containing bullets . . . .”These are BULLETS!, NOT cartridges”
Apparently some neophytes would come in, looking for “Bullets” and getting confused when they tried to load their guns!
I was trying to come up with an intelligent comment but really, (polite) words fail me.