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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region

    Default Just one of many many reasons locals don't flee from storms

    People who don't live in hurricane prone areas are critical because they don't understand.

    These are called "workers" so assumed to be somewhat legal. Think of all of those who aren't caught and the millions here that are illegal that the media won't report. Citizens loot too though.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    I have been takin part on a "preparedness" page off of face book. A dumber lot of pilgrims then I have ever seen. Too many "Walter Mitty" types, others just assured the government will ride to the rescue. Heaven help the Republic if these are "average" people! Regarding the "strike", I did instruct our daughter to bring home two [2] cans of large Maxwell House.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Back from 1979 - 1982, my wife and I lived in New Orleans, LA while I was at seminary earning my MDiv. We went through to periods of "high water." The second one was serious. We had a shotgun double in downtown, built up about four foot off the ground. One night I parked my car on a elevated parking deck and walked back to the house wading through about one foot of water. Next morning, water was about 3 inches from getting inside the house. Weird. It was like after a snowfall, no noise. Just quiet. Lying in bed, I looked and saw a man leaning in the bedroom window, standing in a little pirogue. Guess he was poling down the flooded streets going in people's houses and grabbing what he could find. I hollered at him and grabbed my shotgun. My wife didn't want me to spray him down w/ birdshot, so I didn't shoot. He took off for parts unknown. Just another day in the city that care forgot. Sincerely. bruce.
    " Unlike most conservatives, libs have no problem exploiting dead children and dancing on their graves."

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