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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Have you ever lost a gun?

    If you do, do you need to report it to the LEO's? I have a strange loss and don't know if it is just misplaced, stolen, etc.

    I fell at home about 5:00AM, and was bleeding pretty bad. I had blood in my eyes and couldn't drive. I called an ambulance and in a few minutes I had 3 cops, 4EMT's and a curious neighbor in my house.

    I think the gun was in my car but it is gone. The cops told me they would lock up the house and car. They did not lock the front door and the car was locked... but the passenger window was all the way down.

    I have the serial numbers, etc

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    I've experienced similar 911 calls where everyone shows up IN your house including the volunteer fire dept people and won't leave. It is my understanding that when you call an ambulance the police are required to show up due to some ambulance divers reporting assaults when they arrived, BUT the police should leave after there is an "all clear"--THEY DON'T.

    If anything at all is removed from your home during this time for any reason (or no reason) you are suppose to get a list of what was removed. You may want to contact the police, sheriffs dept or whoever an ask for such a list.

    You can always report the gun/guns as stolen. If they show up later (lost in your home) then OK.
    Last edited by Allen; 10-03-2024 at 09:43.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    State of Deseret


    To paraphrase Daniel Boone.....

    "I've never lost a gun, but I was powerful confused for about three days once."

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