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Thread: Membership

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Cleveland Ohio

    Default Membership

    I wish I had the answer to the lack of participation on these forums. I see that there are 600 plus people listed as guests. To those people, why not join us. Otherwise, this forum is in hospice. What is your excuse for not joining? On the other hand, if you are members and don't sign in as such, what is your reason for not signing in?
    Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.
    Author unkown.

  2. Default

    I think you'll find that many of them are "Bots" of various kinds.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Cleveland Ohio


    Is it possible that considering the current administration in DC these visitors do not want to be tracked to a internet site discussing firearms? There has been statements made that departments of our government are tracking the internet not only for terrorists but Americans e mails and more, and it all goes to a national central collection computer. I think it is called NSA.
    Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.
    Author unkown.

  4. #4


    Gentlemen, what I?m about to say is going the sound harsh but it needs to be said.

    This forum has become a local diner or neighborhood coffee shop etc.
    In the back corner are all us retired guys who like to meet regularly. Discussing most of the same things repeatedly with a half century old perspective. That same perspective is applied to any current happenings as well.
    And just like those local diner crowds, it continues to get smaller all the time.
    News flash: The NSA isn?t much concerned with that.

    Just because the site lists X amounts of members, it doesn?t mean they are lurking without participating. They aren?t even looking this way anymore. There are other more enticing venues out there for their enjoyment.
    Bots: every site out there has that same problem. However they aren?t working with patched up antiquated software.
    To dodge those bots, this site has not only needed to change addresses, but modified the name too.
    Meaning when they tried to look in there occasionally (as numerous people do) it isn?t easily found. Not without a redirect. How many of those folks were lost in the dust?
    If they do find this site, what have they missed? Not much. Which takes up back to the coffee shop scenario. The vicious circle of slow death. More old members fading away through attrition without new members to pick up the slack.

    Most fraternal organizations strive to meet +1. Gaining enough new members to replace those leaving. And gaining at least one more member above and beyond the year, or quarter, before.
    How long has it been since this site was +1??

    It isn?t about spies and bots as it is a lack of interest coupled with not being readily accessible.
    The proverbial new highway passed it by and no billboards letting anyone know we?re still here.

    That?s my take on things and I?m not expecting anyone to agree. But at least I voiced it openly.

    PS. I?m not editing the typos. Those are autocorrect errors for no good reason. This I know because I caught it a few times but it insisted it knew what I was thinking.
    Had to fix this postscript too!
    Last edited by JB White; 11-17-2024 at 06:30.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Phoenix AZ area
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    Well, I've been sitting in the back since 1982. You're right, there are fewer old folks here now. Look at the forums, the Major set this site up to talk about the main subjects in the table of contents. The super highway has bypassed those subjects for newer and now, less expensive Firearms. Most of the old guys have the CSP/JOUSTER/JOUSTER2 subject arms, and yes some of the Matty Mattel many versions and fantastic plastics which have their own, much more active web sites.

    For a time, the 2nd A hijacked all the activity. I don't know if it is still so because I chose not to participate there. I know others have had access problems, but honestly, I've had no major problems. I do check in here to look at new posts, but usually there if no substantive changes day to day.

    I think Pat, Lyman, Allen and anyone else as moderators have done and continue to do an excellent job.
    Last edited by PWC; 11-17-2024 at 04:01. Reason: Spelling

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by PWC View Post
    I think Pat, Lyman, Allen and anyone else as moderators have done and continue to do an excellent job.
    Thank you !

    The times, they are-a-changing.

  7. Default

    ^^^ this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Cleveland Ohio


    I agree, JB, Phlasher and Allen have made some good points. How do we change it? Can we? I believe we must fix access to Culvers and we may get some of the posters back. What if we mention Culvers on other sites we may visit, note to use Fox and tell them to take a look at what we have to offer. What we are all about.
    Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.
    Author unkown.

  9. #9
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    I became an octogenarian on Nov 6th and woke up to the greatest birthday present from the 5th! I think getting the old members back would be a chore as they migrated (legally) to other forums, or the Itis boys have gotten to know Buris and Arthur and interests may have changed. It's you mid to older folks that keep the oxygen flowing.

    Couple of months ths ago I saw a gun rag with an M1 on the cover. I scanned it and there was nothing new. I think the M1, 1903's, 1911's and all the other vintage arms have been talked to death, in great detail. The days of $19.95 Springfields in the back pages of Outdoor Life, or Field and Stream have passed along with my high school diploma. They are now very xpensive and becoming harder to find.

    I know, it's up to the members to talk it up; I tell everyone I find that's interested in guns and shooting about this site, CMP's, and The High Road, but have no way to follow up. Some sites don't like others advertised on their site, because of the same problem we are xperiencing.

    I know when I take my wooden warriors to the range I get to hold a mini history class. Mine speak with more authority than most other guns on the line. Many have read or seen pictures of them but never had the opportunity to hold one, or on rare occasions to shoot mine. Heavy, you bet; our antecedents weren't wussez, and recoil, wow, not like a .223 or 9mm.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    thanks for the kind words

    this forum, like a lot of others, is just old, and in an age where forums are generally not doing well,

    some are just petering out, due to lack of loyal members, or lack of funds or whatevre

    look at Yesterday's Weapons, kilt dead by the hosting system cause it was gun related,

    JB and PWC both make strong points,

    and I will admit, I have been a bit slack in finding out what it will take to update the site,
    that will be a new years resolution for me (busy time at may shop)

    and I will always agree with just about anyone that remembers the daily and hourly battles between some members years back, and how that ran many many members off,

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