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Thread: Spying

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region

    Default Spying

    It's well known that nothing is secure with computers, phones, and smart TV's due to internet links. Remember, nothing is free. Your information is of some worth to someone and is sold to them.

    How many of us have shopped for something on-line and immediately afterwards received dozens of offers from various sites for the exact items we were shopping for?

    I personally feel most information on public records is illegal to display too for the whole world to browse especially your phone number that YOU pay for. That is private property.

    A friend of mine told me he and his girl friend were at home discussing an old VW bus that she once owned and how she wished she had never sold it. 35 minutes later she gets a CALL on her cell phone offering her a "deal" on an old VW bus. This happened years ago and the two of them are still pissed about it. The phone was not in service but apparently turned on and laying on a coffee table.

    Obviously the technology to hack a cell phone is built in and kept secret for the manufactures to use and sell.

    Discussions over the phone about your sick uncle or how to grow banana trees isn't going to benefit others so much but never-the-less such calls can be and are monitored. It goes all the way up the ladder to disclosing military secrets that shouldn't be addressed over the phone in the first place but so many in charge of things aren't held responsible so they continue to blab.

    Remember, Face Book is free too. Why? Your info is being collected if it's nothing more than a source to your friends that may disclose something interesting.

    If anyone is interested there is this article.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    State of Deseret


    How many of you guys are aware of the huge intelligence data storage facility built by the U. S. Government and completed in 2014 known as the Utah Data Center?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    "1984". "Big Brother" is here and we are bringing it into our homes and lives plus WE are the ones paying for it. Many programs, links, services, and updates are forced upon us and many include paths to snooping by others.

    Thanks for the link. The Chinese can't get all the blame when it is also done by our gov't courtesy of our tax dollars that needs to be put to better use.

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