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Thread: Facebook

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region

    Default Facebook

    Just curious.

    How many of you are a member on Facebook?

    I'm not because I don't trust the site-----nothing is free. My wife is and if she tries to post something pro-Trump, pro-right, or even pass something along that she received of that nature it gets blocked.

    I can see it being a benefit for those who own a small company but just to chat, It's not for me.

    Another reason I refuse is because of how it is "pushed" upon us. Many internet articles and sites require a FB log in. I simply read something else. It's not as bad as it use to be though in that regard.

  2. Default

    I'm on it. But for just one reason. I traveled a lot earlier in my life & made friends all over the globe. I use it to keep in touch with them, nothing more.
    I refuse to use any of the F/B "services" because as you say its heavily (& stupidly) censored buy automated AI bots, which are marginal in comprehension, or politically-motivated keyboard warriors with an attitude.
    There's one thing you have to be aware of on FaceBook.
    Your relationship with it is the same as a cow's relationship to a farmer. Members are no more than Stock in Trade & are milked for information & sold to people who sell "targeted advertising."
    Last edited by Phloating Phlasher; 01-30-2025 at 01:16.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
    Blog Entries


    been on it about 2 years, personal, and business account, and also an admin of Rivanna Rifle and Pistol clubs High Power page,

    it is a time suck, and zuckybird and his algorithms have worked to threaten to shut us down a few times,

    they did kill my Brother's page once and 2 pages we created for the retail store,

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