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Thread: Facebook

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region

    Default Facebook

    Just curious.

    How many of you are a member on Facebook?

    I'm not because I don't trust the site-----nothing is free. My wife is and if she tries to post something pro-Trump, pro-right, or even pass something along that she received of that nature it gets blocked.

    I can see it being a benefit for those who own a small company but just to chat, It's not for me.

    Another reason I refuse is because of how it is "pushed" upon us. Many internet articles and sites require a FB log in. I simply read something else. It's not as bad as it use to be though in that regard.

  2. Default

    I'm on it. But for just one reason. I traveled a lot earlier in my life & made friends all over the globe. I use it to keep in touch with them, nothing more.
    I refuse to use any of the F/B "services" because as you say its heavily (& stupidly) censored buy automated AI bots, which are marginal in comprehension, or politically-motivated keyboard warriors with an attitude.
    There's one thing you have to be aware of on FaceBook.
    Your relationship with it is the same as a cow's relationship to a farmer. Members are no more than Stock in Trade & are milked for information & sold to people who sell "targeted advertising."
    Last edited by Phloating Phlasher; 01-30-2025 at 01:16.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
    Blog Entries


    been on it about 2 years, personal, and business account, and also an admin of Rivanna Rifle and Pistol clubs High Power page,

    it is a time suck, and zuckybird and his algorithms have worked to threaten to shut us down a few times,

    they did kill my Brother's page once and 2 pages we created for the retail store,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Have been on Facebook since 2018. Found it to be an effective means by which to keep in touch with church members and family. This became especially the case with the coming of Covid. Retired in 2023. Have maintained membership on Facebook as it has afforded me a easy means by which to stay in contact with a large number of folks. Have not found anything that offers equal utility. JMHO. Sincerely. bruce.
    " Unlike most conservatives, libs have no problem exploiting dead children and dancing on their graves."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    South West VA


    I'm on there. Found it to be a great way to reconnect with high school and Army friends. I also "friended" a formerly very active member of this page.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    central Arkansas


    I am. Wifey has family all over the world and it is really handy for her family matters and communications.
    I read it for jokes and military silliness. Anyone getting seriously politickal to me is whacked or whatever.


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