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Thread: The ATF

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Cleveland Ohio


    Considering that 50% might go door to door, why do you suppose that might happen. Following orders? Why would that 50% that would consider it do not consider it as an unlawful order since they took an oath to protect the Constitution. Is it that today's younger recruits and the same with the police officers, have not been told how to think but what to think. Have the youth of today that we depend upon been that indoctrinated? I know that our form of government is not perfect. The Constitution even states "in order to form a more perfect union." Since that was adopted, thousand of laws have been written and activated both federal and state and down to the County and City. More random thoughts on my part.
    Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.
    Author unkown.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnMOhio View Post
    Considering that 50% might go door to door, why do you suppose that might happen. Following orders? Why would that 50% that would consider it do not consider it as an unlawful order since they took an oath to protect the Constitution. Is it that today's younger recruits and the same with the police officers, have not been told how to think but what to think. Have the youth of today that we depend upon been that indoctrinated? I know that our form of government is not perfect. The Constitution even states "in order to form a more perfect union." Since that was adopted, thousand of laws have been written and activated both federal and state and down to the County and City. More random thoughts on my part.
    Because of so many here that don't belong here. Family and American loyalty is fading due to easy divorce, welfare, woke chit, lack of religion/family values, lawlessness and countless other reasons all to be expected with such gross overpopulation. The lifestyle we grew up with will end with us and our children. Future generations will be dramatically different. This is something I've thought about all my life and I feel many solders, even in the future will not follow through though. In that regard what else would a corrupt gov't do? Get NATO troops here who don't care about our well being and send our troops to foreign countries to do the same that their solders wouldn't do?

    I suppose if it ever gets that bad our National Guard division will be gone or change into other priorities. Our guns and gun rights will have long since been taken away too.

    In other words, we'll become like other countries.
    Last edited by Allen; 02-03-2025 at 01:46.

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