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Thread: Old Photos

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region

    Default Old Photos

    Old pic's, believe-it-or-nots, old happenings.

    With as many people who have lived before us I guess most anything that could have happened did happen.

    I don't see how they played tennis on the wing of the plane with the wind but know such things were done and w/o safety restraints.
    Last edited by Allen; 03-03-2025 at 11:44.

  2. Default

    That "briefcase" is a "Speed Graphic" 4X5" press camera, which may explain the image. You can see the springs for the film holder & the baseboard open to use.

  3. #3


    The old playground equipment. We had the tall slides and monkey bars.
    Along with a “high flyer” and the tallest swing sets I can recall.
    We would get those swings going as fast and as high possible just to see who could jump and land in the gravel the furthest.
    Then came “Hillbilly Terry” who bet he could get high enough to wrap the chains around the crossbar with him on it.
    Of course the chains slacked and he crashed breaking his collarbone.

    No lawsuits. Just all of us getting yelled at for being stupid.
    And Hillbilly Terry lost all his marbles.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by JB White View Post
    And Hillbilly Terry lost all his marbles.
    So, Terry is now known as Teri?

  5. #5


    Not those marbles ��

    Last I heard he didn’t have a name. Only a convict number. Last I heard.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    State of Deseret


    CA14 and US395 north of Mojave in California used to be like that Auto-Thriller roller coaster depicted in photo #21. Remember that section of road in the late 50s/early 60s as our family used it often in traveling from our home in Southern California to Carson City, NV to vacation with relatives. It was fun to drive but, a driver is well-advised to stay alert because you never know what may be hidden in one of the dips in the roadway (stalled vehicle, pedestrians, livestock, or whatever). Us kids liked the road, Mom got motion sick, and Dad who was driving, hated it!

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