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  1. #1

    Default New to me trapdoor

    Just inherited a 50-70 from an uncles estate. Wood is all there, 3 band lock plate dated 1864. trapdoor attached with a strap & 2 screws. I assume this is an 1866 model. No serial numbers that i can see.
    Some pittin the bore, willtry posting some pictures. Ordered cases from Dixie gun works but they are back ordered.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Gulf Shores, AL


    Congratulations! Would love to see it if you can post pictures.
    Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

  3. #3


    Yes, that would be a Model 1866, the "Second Allin Alteration." Brass has gotten VERY hard to come by; no one seems to have it.

    I bought 25 cases from Dixie MANY years ago, and they have stood up well.

  4. #4


    Thanks, Dick. I see some being made with 32 gage brass cases but they are baloon head. Might give them a try if Dixie dosnt come through.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    San Fernando valley, Ca.


    Before buying the .32 gauge brass go to U-TUBE and watch the procedures needed to make it usable in the 50-70. It is not drop and play. If you have a lathe and machine shop experience it will help convert them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    There's a little bit of it on GB but pricey. One auction is for 255 cases going for $655 and climbing.

    Note, the item here is for one rd only so $32+ per rd.

    Someone has a small bag from Dixie Gun Works for $100 but it may be for one rd, 10 rds or 15 rds. Seller isn't clear so probably just one rd. If you buy from ANYONE here on GB it looks like you need to ask ? first.

    Another seller has a group of old reloads stamped 348 Rem so perhaps 50/70 brass can be made from cutting down 348's. Looks like someone did, though the 348 brass may be as hard to find.

    No help here, just thoughts.
    Last edited by Allen; 03-05-2025 at 12:29.

  7. #7


    As stated ordered from Dixie but coming from Australia. It maybe a while. thankss for all the info guys.

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