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Thread: Fast refund

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio

    Default Fast refund

    Our daughter does her own taxes [simple one] and filed ten calendar days ago. Money was into her account yesterday. In 20 years this is the fastest she has gotten her refund, usually 21 days or more. Apparently the fear of losing one's job makes a person work harder!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by S.A. Boggs View Post
    Apparently the fear of losing one's job makes a person work harder!
    That, and maybe the alleged half of the staff that were laid off helped by not having so many people in the way and useless waste/overhead/fraud/snooping objects to contend with.

    When I retired I drew a little off of my 401K along with making and losing a little $ in the stock market via Scottrade. I used to send in quarterly estimates/checks to the IRS and state.

    Then I had a situation. Scottrade had sent in some incorrect information to the IRS on one of my investment accounts. It differed from what they had sent to me (different type of account--different acct #). The IRS sent me a nasty little letter and demanded I send them $5,000 + interest + fines and fee's. With no notice to me they had added everything up and sent me a "total due".

    Since the clock was running I sent the $, then defended myself with all the needed proof and paperwork (mailed in) showing their error. After not receiving any replies from them (of course) I called one the agents. He was a God and he let me know it, I was at his mercy, privileged to be receiving his valuable time, etc. After explaining everything he gave no assurance that they gave a flying chit. In fact, on one opportunity he hung up on me.

    The final letter I sent (since they hung up on me by phone and by mail there is a record of it) said OK: I sent the $ in that was demanded--not because I owed it but because you had added your fines to it w/o any consent or notice to me and I was trying to prevent more of it. Now, since I've provided all the documentation needed I want a refund or I want a sit down one-on-one audit with a local IRS agent.

    A check for what I sent to them was returned to me with no explanation or letter, just a loose check (real professional).

    In other words, they did not and will never admit mistakes. They apparently wanted me to believe that their time was just way too important to be involved with such chicken feed money so they just "gave" me a refund.

    Our tax dollars at work (for them).

    I had just the one event happen with the feds. With the state tax dept I had problems almost every year claiming they never received my checks (though they never had any problems cashing them) so I simply quit paying them quarterly payments. Now, I just have my taxes done at H&R Block and pay what I owe. Better I owe them than they owe me.

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