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  1. One Touch Binary Options Trading - How it Works; What to Be Aware of

    Trading With One Touch Binary Options.
    Whether you are new in binary option trading world, or you are just in the beginning of your personal education as to the different types of binaries, getting to know them all will be very beneficial for you, as well as for your monthly final profit. The reason why it is recommended to get aware of the different binary types is hidden beyond the fact that each of them develops new skills in your trading strategy and gives you additional information for ...
  2. One-Touch Binary Options Explained

    One-Touch Binary Options Explained.
    With the one-touch binary option trade, the [url=]binary options signals 2016 oscar[/url] options trader selects a strike price above or below the current market price as well as an expiration time. The broker will offer him a payout percentage corresponding to his selection.
    For the investment to payoff, the price of the underlying asset only needs to hit the strike price once ...