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  1. #11


    Years ago I was on the cable car up to Ober Gatlinburg for Oktoberfest. Below ius we could get a great view of the Smokey’s and the chalets in the mountains.
    It was pointed out at the time the one, and only one with twin peaks, belonged to Dolly.

    I feel a little guilty about saying those things. Just out of respect.
    She’s been putting a smile on my face for decades for just being herself.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by JB White View Post
    Years ago I was on the cable car up to Ober Gatlinburg for Oktoberfest.
    Just a very short distance to Dollywood.

  3. #13


    It was closed. It really was. Seasonal thing.
    Pigeon Forge is fun. and Seviersville….at least one visit to Smoky Mountain Knifeworks per year.
    Or at least that was my tradition for a while. Head for the Gatlinburg area after the NASCAR races in Darlington SC.
    I considered it on the way home.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by JB White View Post
    It was closed. It really was. Seasonal thing.
    Pigeon Forge is fun. and Seviersville?.at least one visit to Smoky Mountain Knifeworks per year.
    Or at least that was my tradition for a while. Head for the Gatlinburg area after the NASCAR races in Darlington SC.
    I considered it on the way home.
    Went to Dollywood when it was open and most of the events/shops/displays inside were closed. Got to see some bald eagles up close that were "in for repair" and ride a train around the perimeter of the place. That was it. The wooden roller coaster was just being built at the time. For me and my family it was a total rip-off.

    Gatlinburg/Smoky Mountains: I've been there several times. I can't get over how laid back everything is. I guess there's no room to expand (Gatlinburg is tiny). Down here there would be 50 story condo's everywhere, people crawling over each other and thus ruining everything.

    I went to the Smokey's once when it had snowed. Not a good idea as they close the roads because of it.

  5. #15


    They found room to expand. I could see the difference on every trip/stop there.
    That’s a 50 year span time-wise. The days of Hillbilly Golf at one end and Burning Bush at the other are long gone. Urban sprawl.
    Development is probably only three inches from the Park entrance! And it’s unstoppable. I once said Pigeon Forge might be a 10 minute walk someday instead of a 10 minute drive. I was being sarcastic back then. Not so funny anymore.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

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